Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) Ring – 5 carat
Natural & certified Perl (Moti) Ring
Astrology has such powerful gems whose existence can change the course of our life. The aspect of astrology is not just based on our belief, many researchers and scientists have proved that the flow and vibration of energy around us can have a great impact on our lives.
Among these nine gems, there is one gem that we all know for its powers – pearl. Pearl is also known as Mukta, Induratna and Moktim. Due to the immense capabilities of pearl, this gem is widely recognized and worn. Also, the beauty of its white color makes it a very valuable gem. The attractive roundness and white shine of pearl is pleasing to the eyes.
The special thing is that pearl is an organic precious gem. It is produced inside its body by a living creature called mollusk found in water. Therefore, the importance of pearl increases further. Also, its demand in the market is high and production or supply is low, which increases its price.
Astrologists associate pearl with the moon among the nine planets of our astrology. Therefore, it is believed that the intuition, emotionality and sensitivity of the moon increases in the person wearing the pearl.
This gemstone provides various benefits to the person wearing it, such as financial gains and knowledge. It strengthens the person’s brain and increases the frequency of positive thoughts. Along with this, pearl has many benefits:
Wearing pearl is most recommended to those people who get very angry and are unable to control their anger. This gemstone helps in controlling anger. Pearl can serve as an ideal gemstone for people suffering from anger problems. This means that pearl can help them stay optimistic, relaxed, calm and composed.
Pearl helps in increasing your mental powers. It increases your ability to focus, gives you concentration. Also, pearl helps in providing mental clarity.
This gemstone also increases your confidence and self-expression. Which will help you to make yourself more presentable and trustworthy at your workplace. You will be able to take full advantage of the opportunities that come your way and achieve success with your charm and confidence.
Pearl also enhances the maternal bond. It is believed that pearl improves the health of the wearer’s mother. Apart from this, the gemstone helps in promoting the mutual relationship between the wearer and their mother.
Pearl has a calming effect on the mind. It increases love and empathy in your mind.
It is also believed that pearl brings popularity and good luck in the life of the wearer.
The energies of this gemstone will help you evaluate yourself by removing your mental problems. You will be able to prepare yourself to turn your life around for the better.